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January 13, 2011

You're Such a Smartie!

I don't think I ever actually said it, but you little smarties put two and two together. Last week, when I wrote this post about a new favorite color combination, gray and green, you guys just figured that these were the colors that we're doing our office in. And you were right! I guess I wasn't as slick as I thought I was, since just the day before I'd posted a little blurb about painting our office. Oh well.

Not a whole lot of progress has been made, besides the painting of the room being finished. Thank goodness. The color I used was Pigeon Gray by Kilz. The paint is a flat finish, because I read several places that satin or semi-gloss finish didn't always work great with grays, several people saying that it was "too shiny." I was a little bit worried about the flat finish at first, but since it is not going to be a high traffic area, I think we will be fine. 

My camera is currently out of order. My camera battery has officially died and I haven't been able to make it to the local Best Buy for a replacement this week. I promise I will post pictures of my walls this weekend. Hold me to that, okay?

Until then I wanted to show you a little something so that you can kind of see the way that I am heading. Here is a mood board that I created on OlioBoard {which I heard about through Michaela}.

My "Haves," "Needs," and "Wants":

    -Black filing cabinet
     -Black bookshelf

     -I have the desk but still need to choose a green paint to paint it with
      -Gotta figure out how to give our filing cabinet a good coat of paint. Looks kinda rough.

    -I'm hoping to create my own silhouette artwork
     -Striped ottoman
     -White curtains {although I'm open to other colors or designs}
     -Green storage boxes


Jenn @ Peas and Crayons said...

Grey and green sounds awesome for your office! I cannot wait to see the mood board turn into reality! =)

Jenn @ Peas & Crayons

Kendra said...

Wow, I'm not one of those smarties, I didn't put the two together. I'm loving the combo!

Katelyn said...

Love the mood board! Can't wait to see the finished project :)

Michaela said...

The mood board looks great! I bet it'll turn out wonderful! Thanks for the little shout out, Carly (:
Olioboard is so fun!

Rachie @ A Chi Chi Affair said...

Cant wait to see the striped ottoman!

Rachie xo

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