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January 23, 2011

Bad Blogger

I'm sorry that I've been such a bad blogger lately. 

I definitely don't have the same amount of work to do after school that I used to, but I am so tired after teaching those crazy kiddos every day. By the time I get home I'm ready to kick my shoes off, eat dinner, and just go to sleep. I think it's just going to take a little adjusting and getting used to this schedule, but that still is no excuse.

This will be me today...

{Except I doubt I'll be sitting on my desk.}

Hopefully getting lots of posts written today. That was my original goal for the weekends. I'm hoping to respond to some of those emails that you've written to me, too. I promise that I'll get better at this, just stick with me, okay?

Love to all x.

Image via weheartit.


emily said...

I totally feel you, girl! Hope things settle down!

Rachie @ A Chi Chi Affair said...

Hope everything is going well!
Rachie xo

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